Melissa Ceseña published The Denizen’s Stone in December 2024
What inspired you to write a paranormal romance featuring merfolk?
While I was body boarding a lot one summer, I had a recurring dream that I was holding onto a merman while he swam us through the Pacific Ocean.
How did you develop the character of Kayla Luna and her struggle with her father’s illness?
I grew up playing the harp so I made Kayla a harpist since it was something I knew about. Like myself, Kayla is raised by a hardworking, Mexican-American dad with a creative and strong wife at his side. I had an alpha reader suggest I add the dad’s illness.
Can you tell us more about the world-building behind the “esoteric merfolk society” mentioned in the blurb?
Rudolf Steiner’s “Cosmic Memory” was a big influence on “The Denizen’s Stone.” The way he relays the children’s upbringing in civilizations before us inspired the way the merfolk raise their offspring.
Frank Herbert’s “Dune” was also a catalyst in my research. He researched for six years before writing the first book of the series.
What research did you do to incorporate elements of alternative medicine and crystals into the story?
I have done over a decade of research. Some of it is from real life experiences like going to the acupuncturist to whale watching. I watched a lot of YouTube videos, read a lot of books, and searched online. And sometimes I would go to hear an expert speak and ask questions.
How did you balance the romance between Kayla and Den with the action-adventure aspects of chasing the stoneki?
Since I write in the romance genre, someone like an editor will tell me to up the romance. It can be a challenge to balance the plot and romance. Sometimes characters are a little busy fighting a bad guy or making sure they are safe. Luckily, Den can make caves with a high frequency that are difficult to find. Den always makes Kayla feel safe.
Are there any particular challenges you faced when writing about a merman character living in two different worlds?
Yes, I wonder how Den managed to become a teacher in the U.S. without a social security number. Did he migrate from Japan even though he isn’t from land, but sea? He must have fake identification floating around somewhere. He does keep a cell phone at his Uncle Gary’s house.
The blurb mentions a demon, dolphin, and tsunami as obstacles. Can you elaborate on how you integrated these elements into the plot?
I know a dolphin as a merman’s sidekick can be viewed as cheesy or overdone, but I promise there is a twist in the second book. The demon helps readers understand how humans and merfolk see a demon. Do humans and mer have preconceived ideas because of religious beliefs? The tsunami destroys some of the buildings which gives the characters some excuses to not be at their job.
As this is Book One, do you have plans for a series? If so, how many books do you envision?
I have a trilogy of The Denizen Series written. Each book has a quest that Den and Kayla start and finish. But I would like to continue the series.
What drew you to indie publishing for this novel?
I love the process of publishing, so indie is the best way for me to publish. I get to make all of the decisions. I’m like my character, Kayla, an entrepreneur.
How does “The Denizen’s Stone” differ from or align with other works in the paranormal romance genre?
Paranormal romance has an obsession with religion, prophecies, crystals, death, monsters, horror, science fiction, and so much more. I touch on all those tropes. I don’t go too hard on horror though. I noticed, merman romance falls under the monster romance trope. I don’t look at Den as a monster. He’s on a spiritual journey that Kayla is willing to share.
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