How does an egotistical buffoon with no talent become the darling political celebrity of his country?
A bawdy satire of tabloid politics, exposing how a simpleton is elected leader of a fictitious country.
Maxie convinces her husband, Zero, to commit a bizarre crime that showers him with riches, making it possible for him to campaign for leader of their country. With Horace as Campaign Manager, the trio embarks on a whirlwind of fundraising, cover-ups, debates, makeovers and scams.
Meanwhile, Inspector Oodles and his assistant, Minnie, assume a variety of disguises to uncover the true identity of Zero and his cohorts. Who will garner the most votes: the Zealots, Hysterics or Fanatics?
An outrageous fable, fueled with invented words, that lampoons American-Style politics.
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