Boybands have changed. Not in what they wear or the music they produce but in their spiritual significance to this generation. They’ve cleaned up to the point where they are likeable; they’re relevant and their tunes are half decent. The past naff quota has been replaced either with elderly dignity or fresh disadvantaged background dun-good sympathy: ‘They’re nice lads!’
So what I’m about to tell you will come across ever the more shocking, ever the more trend-busting, ever the more deeeeeeep. What is the actual formula to NOT Murder a Boyband?
I’m dating one.
This is a book about heroines … all gloriously flawed yet an era-altering antidote to the world’s persistent failures, shortcomings and accepted norms. Seven plus one deadly reasons to believe in sin. Reading How NOT to Murder a Boyband will take courage and resolve but ultimately be anthemic for women and an ominous warning for men … shots fired … a cautionary tale, a trepidatory glance over the shoulder should your life’s work embody anything other than the utmost integrity, decency and chivalry.
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