The news appears to indicate that active athletes are least susceptible to COVID-19. Drawing humanity’s attention to prehab, for instance, using daily TV and other media, would prevent many deaths. US CDC’s opinion, “Physically Inactive People are More Likely to Get Very Sick” and WHO’s, “Exercise can decrease your susceptibility to COVID-19” should be combined into a maxim on prehab with another on hydration (vide Padma Shri late Dr. K.K. Aggarwal on YT) as these facts are little known. If you are a doctor from a national-level medical body, you may apply this knowledge to very obvious and bold effect. Vulnerability due to malnutrition may also be listed alongside IPC, with prehab and hydration. WHO’s Taskforce on NCDs infrequently advertises, “Stay healthy to beat COVID-19” recommending a healthy diet, physical activity, alcohol avoidance and quitting tobacco.
Ansuman Datta had advised the World Health Organization to launch a physical activity campaign sharing version 2020-10-23T22:24:00Z of this book with Dr. Vismita Gupta-Smith who referred it to their experts before WHO launched Every Move Counts. The International Olympic Committee and Hadassah Women’s Zionist Organization of America relayed forward Every Move Counts. Dr. Michelle Bachelet Jeria, MD and UNHCHR endorsed Datta for COVID-19. Jeria is also former health minister and former president of Chile.
A forensic scientist, by May 2020, Datta had noticed that while many who died of COVID-19 had suffered lung blood clots, most had mild or no symptoms. He attempted a wager in favor of physical exercise that Novak Djokovic’s episode of the disease might be asymptomatic, which proved true. This COVID-19 Survival Surprise offers an incredible compilation in very few words, to suit the pandemic. It mentions important survival secrets and facts like those about pulse oxes, happy hypoxia, post-COVID, hydration, ARDS, alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, sedentariness, BMI & viral load, deep breathing, interleukins, inflammation, overtraining, maximal aerobic capacity, cardiac vulnerability, lung impairment, immunity, benefits of exercise to body & mind, allergies & panels, exercise as addiction, euphoria, appearance, air pollution, fomites, vaccination, fevers, economic benefits of physical activity, COVID-19 vulnerabilities, flu, temperature & COVID-19, routine exams, retesting, vocal music, incentive spirometers and recession. A very brief and stimulating diction is meant to help even persons with attention deficit finish it quickly.
The book links to vids on working out, BMI & VO2 Max calculators, ACSM Sports Medicine Basics & strength training documents for age groups and the disabled, a running calorie calculator, Lydia electronic health record app etc.
Need for emphases on women and fitness of the feminist work have been accentuated by the large number of women and girls in developing countries who are financially dependent and have limited access to info.
There has been a dearth of parleys on the relationships between exercise, health, happiness and livelihood. Humans, it seems, might as well become a species of athletes to survive emerging zoonotic diseases like COVID-19 best. Monkeypox outbreaks as also those of other diseases are better managed with prehab.
As part of Every Move Counts, WHO posted on 2020-11-26, “Up to 5 million deaths a year could be averted if the global population was more active. At a time when many people are home bound due to COVID-19, new WHO Guidelines on physical activity and sedentary behavior, emphasize that everyone, of all ages and abilities, can be physically active and that every type of movement counts.”
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TV channels etc. may use the SLOGAN, “Network the moves!!
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