“Mr. Salinas’s Seven Scary Stories” is the first in an ongoing horror anthology series based in a small town in Midwestern America. This proverbial Nowheresville is the backdrop for seven characters who find their lives in disarray. They are, each in their own way, consumed by loss, suffering, or terror. Set around Halloween and its superstitions, this collection of short stories will immerse the reader in a tale of small-town, American horror.
Each story within this book can be considered the first chapter in the ongoing series Mr. Salinas’s Horror Anthology. Seeping with psychological suspense, this is an examination of the inner workings of fear and dread on the human mind.
Warren –
Great collection of short stories. Quick read that still doesn’t feel rushed or skimp on the details. Would highly recommend!
James –
Interesting collection of stories that follow a cohesive plot that uses fantastic imagery. The stories, transitions, and characters all work in unique ways to help bring the story to life. Would highly recommend.
Mustaf –
Great read, the characters are well established, and well-rounded. I’ll definitely be picking up more from this author. – Sukitap