This supernatural-horror mash-up is a reinvention of classic horror story characters who have been predominantly male in the past and now presents women as the main characters. Featuring Dorian Gray as housemother and Doctor Jekyll as the in house physician to a group of blood-thirsty young women in need of rehab. The goal? To conquer their innate urges and be free of their curse so they can live out the rest of their lives as mortals. Strong female characters include vampires, werewolves, ghosts and more. It contains some romance and a touch of humor, and it’s a wicked, fast paced-read everyone will enjoy.
In a previous life, Dorian made a deal with the devil to become immortal. The Dark one attached her life to a portrait of herself painted centuries ago. As long as the portrait exists so does Dorian. One day, after a lot of evil deeds and a feeling of emptiness, she decides she wants to become mortal again, so she strikes a new deal with the Dark One.
Now, Dorian must rehabilitate as many immortal souls as she can to atone for the sins of her past and deliver 100 immortal souls, who could not make the cut, to the devil’s earthly army as payment. The rehabilitated immortals become mortal again and are free to live out their lives with a clean slate.
An old friend, Doctor Henrietta Jekyll, is a timid scientist who, many years ago, was attempting to create a youth serum that worked, but she also ended up creating an alternate personality, Ada Hyde, who turns evil and tries to take over Doctor Jekyll’s life. As Doctor Jekyll, she joins Dorian’s quest, hoping to rid herself of Hyde’s evil influence.
But Dorian finds herself doing everything she can to keep from full-filling the bargain with the devil as she nears the end of the 100 immortal rippers who could not rehabilitate, all so she can save as many immortal girls as she can.
Drink from the ancient Chalice of Redemption to be free from your curse,
It will bind you to the oath you are about to take,
Reform and become mortal, living out the rest of your days free of your curse or…
Live forever as a servant to the Dark One’s Earthly Army,
In the end, one must be saved,
And one must be taken…
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